Tick the box for "Run this program as administrator" and apply settings. Right click on the files, and click 'Properties' from the selection.Ĥ. Open the folder where you installed Mental Omega, and look for the following application files: gamemd.exe, Syringe.exe and MentalOmegaClient.exe.Ģ.

When attempting to launch a game, it returns the above error message from the Syringe application.ġ. » PROBLEM: "Syringe could not run executable - requested operation requires elevation"

We advise you to experiment with each renderer in a skirmish until you find one that performs best on your PC, however you may want to start with CnCDDraw. The Default renderer is known for its poor performance on most modern machines, however the best renderer differs from computer to computer. There will be a dropdown menu with a variety of renderers available.Ģ. This can be done by opening the Client, and clicking on the 'Options' button. This problem occurs despite the game running on a relatively modern PC.ġ. Game performs badly, framerates drop heavily, scrolling is jittery, game freezes in menus and other poor performance issues. » PROBLEM: "Game is unusually slow, laggy or otherwise performs poorly" In the event that a PC restart does not work, post a syringe.log text file in the #support section of the Mental Omega Discord, ping Support to read through the log, and they will notify you about any further steps you may need to take. The issue might be related to a technical error in a game spawner file and is random.Ģ. Upon attempting to launch a game you are returned to the Client without receiving any error code.ġ.

"Game is unusually slow, laggy or otherwise performs poorly".